
Supporting the Education of Children in Our Care –
An Inter-professional Dialogue

This graduate level course was offered to students in the Faculty of Social Work and Education and explored inter-professional collaboration using an IPC framework.


Professional Development Module for Schools-Under Development

This series of videos and resources are to assist schools in offering a professional development workshop 

Research Team Publications

Bunkowski, L, Krahn, P., Lim, F., Janzen, M. and Levine, K. 2020. School Learners’ Strategies for Providing In-school Supports.  Learners and Leaders, Canadian Association of School Systems Administrators, Issue 5, 6-8.

Cobb, H., Cohen, S,. Anderson, A, & Janzen, M. 2020. Developing School-based Groups as a Means of Support and Empowerment.  Learners & Leaders, Canadian Association of School Systems Administrators, Issue 6, 9-12.

Komus, A., Christian, M. & Levine, K. 2021.  Designing a Self-advocacy Course for High School Students.  learners and Leaders, Canadian Association of School Systems Administrators, Issue 1: 3-5.

Levine, K., Sutherland, D. & Janzen, M. 2020.  Educating Children in Our Care: An Inter-professional dialogue.  Advances in Social Work 20 (2):  252-265.

Janzen, M., Levine, K. & Sutherland, D. 2020.  Improving Educational Experiences of children in our care:  An ethic of hospitality.  Canadian Journal of Education 43 (4):953-975.

Halldorson, S., Force, V , Babb, R & Sutherland, D. 2020.  Collective Responsibility of Child Welfare and of the School Division.  Leaders & Learners, Canadian Association of School Systems Administrators, Issue 4: 6-8.  Â